Testing the Waters

When I was young, my grandparents bought a small cabin on a shallow bay on the south Puget Sound so that the grandchildren could grow up playing around and safely exploring the water. As we grew older, my grandpa allowed us to row a tiny aluminum boat around the bay but warned us against going past the point. We dreamed of venturing out of the bay into the uncertainty of the wide channel beyond, but we knew we needed more time to prepare.

Only after my grandpa taught us how to navigate the currents, inlets and shorelines of the open water did we feel the confidence to strike out on our own. Gliding past the point for the first time on our own was a glorious and defining experience and one that my grandpa made possible. 

At Big Water Consulting, we seek to take our responsible and appropriately cautious clients beyond their traditional limits so that they can reap the benefits of exploration and boundary testing while developing a greater understanding and appreciation of where they have come from… as we did when we looked back on our cozy, safe little bay from the vantage of the rolling waves of the big water.

– Kevin Klingbeil, Owner of Big Water Consulting

Big Water Consulting is a consulting firm based in Seattle, Washington, dedicated to supporting tribal, governmental, and nonprofit entities in various aspects of data management. Positioned at the forefront of devising robust data strategies, our primary objective is to empower these organizations to enhance monitoring and evaluation practices, elevate decision-making processes, strengthen stakeholder relationships, and optimize operational efficiency. Collaborating with our Partner Organizations across the country, our focus extends towards crafting sustainable solutions that foster self-reliance, integrate cutting-edge technologies, leverage existing resources, honor organizational ethos, and reduce dependence on outsourced service providers.

Our Mission

Meet the Team

  • Kevin Klingbeil

    Big Water Consulting is owned by Kevin Klingbeil, a geographer, Indian housing lawyer and former manager for the U.S. Census Bureau. Kevin has represented tribal housing clients in government-to-government consultations and served as a technical expert for the IHBG Formula Negotiated Rulemaking Committee’s Data Study Group in 2014-2016. Prior to working in the fields of Indian housing law and federal data collection, Kevin practiced environmental, natural resources, water and property law.

  • Issa Moffett

    Issa is a Research Associate with Big Water Consulting. Their primary responsibilities include design of studies and surveys, data analysis, GIS, and corresponding with clients. Prior to this role, Issa worked with the County of Hawai’i in Research and Development supporting community projects with spatial analysis. They hold a Master in Geography from Florida State University. Outside of work, Issa can be found making more maps, learning about plants, fungi, and animals, and designing board games.

  • Harrison Fitch

    Harrison participates in the management of ongoing survey projects, performs data analysis, and produces creative data visualizations. Prior to Big Water, Harrison spent a year supporting the development of resident owned mobile home cooperatives across the state of California. Harrison earned a B.A. from the University of Washington where he studied Economics, Philosophy, and Data Science. Outside of work he enjoys exploring the Pacific Northwest and rooting for his favorite sport teams.

  • Raagul Nagendran

    Raagul's work will focus on supporting the senior staff with both qualitative and quantitative data analysis and uncover insights, create data visualizations and report findings. He is passionate about utilizing data for social good and welfare, and has a software engineering background of building accessible websites and data visualizations for brands like WIRED. He is currently pursuing his Master of Science in Data Science from University of Washington and completed his B.Tech in Computer Science from Vellore Institute of Technology, India. Outside of work, Raagul enjoys reading fiction, playing badminton and board games like Catan.

  • Catherine Bartlett

    Catherine, known as Thanmahal Wakhan Izanzan Win in Lakota, is a passionate member of the Sicangu Lakota Nation from the Rosebud Indian Reservation. She is a Community Economic Development Research Intern whose work at Big Water is focused on conducting research and developing resources for tribal and local community economic development. She has experience in tribal community events, marketing, nonprofit management, and rural and diverse community development. She has been passionate about tribal sovereignty and is looking to advance her skills in tribal sovereignty, policies, and law. Catherine enjoys riding horses, playing video games like Stardew valley, and crafting.