Dakota Housing Needs Assessment Pilot Project
Oglala Sioux Lakota Housing, Cheyenne River Housing Authority, SWA Corporation, Lower Brule Housing Authority, Turtle Mountain Housing Authority
Project Locations:
Pine Ridge, Eagle Butte, Rosebud, and Lower Brule, SD and Belcourt, ND
Project Time Frame:
August 2012 – August 2013
Housing Unit Mapping
Household Survey
Analysis of Newly Collected Data
Needs Assessment
GIS Capacity Building
Areas of Focus:
Economic Development
Governance and Management
Income and Finances
Project Description
In cooperation with the Oglala Sioux (Lakota) Housing Authority, Sicangu Wicoti Awanyakapi (SWA) Corporation (Rosebud), Cheyenne River Housing Authority, Turtle Mountain Housing Authority, Lower Brule Housing Authority and another survey contractor, Big Water's Managing Director, Kevin Klingbeil, designed and coordinated a housing unit mapping and housing needs survey operation on five reservations for the purposes of collecting population and housing needs data in order to challenge and replace the Census data used to determine the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funding allocation for each tribe as authorized by the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA).
The five Pilot Project participants continue to develop model needs assessment and data collection processes which can be adopted and implemented by tribes nationwide. Big Water Consulting drafted and presented the project plan, developed partner networks on each reservation, coordinated in-person and telephone meetings of the Pilot Project Joint Venture Members, organized technical training for staff members of each organization, and prepared press releases and public relations materials, including coordinating the filming of a professional video documenting the project. Big Water compiled analyzed the data and provided each tribe with data reports, and it continues to work with these tribes to facilitate further integration of data collection, analysis and visualization into their management and decision-making processes.