[ Inquiry ] Red Cliff Housing Needs Assessment


Red Cliff Housing Needs Assessment

February 21, 2020
Red Cliff, WI

Big Water staff members Harry Maher and Kevin Klingbeil visited the snowy Red Cliff Indian Reservation to launch the Red Cliff Housing Needs Assessment in cooperation with the Red Cliff Housing Authority and representatives from the Tribe’s planning, health, education, public works, communications and other departments.  Big Water met with division heads and department directors and the Housing Authority Board to discuss tribal history, current initiatives and future plans, and desired survey content. Betty Kerr from the Housing Authority gave Kevin and Harry a guided tour of the reservation, including a visit to Frog Bay Tribal National Park, Little Sand Bay, land recently purchased from Bayfield County by the tribe, and visits to low income housing tax credit (LIHTC) and supportive housing projects around the reservation.  


[ Conference ] NAIHC Legislative Conference


[ Inquiry ] Pa’upena CDC Community Needs Assessment