Dry Creek Community Needs and GIS Mapping

Dry Creek Community Needs and GIS Mapping

Project Profile

Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians

Project Location:
Sonoma County, California

Project Time Frame:
June 2024 - TBD


  • Household Survey

  • GIS Mapping of Community Assets

  • GIS Capacity Building

Areas of Focus:

  • Demographics

  • Housing Conditions

  • Food Sovereignty

  • Economic Development

  • Climate Change

  • Land Use

The Dry Creek Rancheria (DCR) Band of Pomo Indians plans to conduct a Community Needs Survey and GIS Mapping within the tribe’s service area. The Community Needs Survey and GIS Mapping project will include the following essential components:

  1. Household survey involving all adult members (approx. 900 members) of the Dry Creek Rancheria community on topics such as housing, healthcare, workforce development, and food sovereignty

  2. GIS mapping training with staff for mapping community assets, land use & resources available of service area, climate change, and renewable energy potential

  3. Final report and presentation regarding findings from both the survey and mapping of community assets to both community members and tribal leadership

The Dry Creek Community Needs Assessment and GIS Mapping Project has been set in motion to assist the Dry Creek Band of Pomo Indians in collecting relevant, accurate, and comprehensive data about the characteristics, demographic trends, and other needs of both the community and physical environment of the Band. The GIS Mapping portion of this project will involve the training of tribal staff in mapping community assets, land use, and natural resources within the Band's service area using ESRI software provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.  This project builds upon previous needs assessments projects with the Band in 2019 and 2022, presenting an exciting opportunity to continue to shape the housing, health, education, and economic development strategies that serve the Dry Creek members.

To achieve this goal, Big Water will conduct a community needs assessment alongside providing technical training to assist the Band in utilizing the comprehensive dataset that comes from this project and build capacity to develop and manage their own spatial databases.