Addressing Homelessness in Tribal Communities: Barriers and Opportunities
David presented an overview of the HUD Continuum of Care Program at the NAIHC Annual Convention
David Dixon of Big Water Consulting presented strategies for Tribes and TDHEs to engage with the HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) program at the NAIHC Annual Conference in May alongside Katie Symons of Beaux Simone Consulting. The session covered the recent legislative changes that enable Tribes to apply for funding through the CoC program, laid out several pathways for engaging with the program, and discussed the challenges to full participation that still need to be addressed.
The presentation included several examples of Tribes and TDHEs taking unique approaches to addressing homelessness in their communities which may serve as models for those considering participation in the CoC program. The presentation slides and several key resources are linked below:
Review HUD’s CoC Program Resources to consider whether joining an existing CoC or starting your own will best serve your community.
Find out which existing Continuum of Care is operating in your area.
Contact the current grantees for existing CoCs.