EDA Community of Practice
The Indigenous Economic Development Community of Practice is a dedicated space for tribal and Native economic development practitioners to share knowledge, build capacity, and identify best practices.
Indian Housing Block Grant Formula Training for the Great Lakes Indian Housing Association (GLIHA)
Kevin Klingbeil of Big Water Consulting provided HUD-funded training and technical assistance to the members Great Lakes Indian Housing Association at their quarterly meeting in Red Wing, MN addressing the mechanics of the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) formula. The presentation was entitled “A Peek Behind the Funding Curtain: The Mechanics of the IHBG Formula.” This training covered formula basics, data source considerations and requirements for challenging the data supporting certain elements of the formula. The audience included housing program directors and staff members as well as agency staff members and other professionals serving and supporting tribal housing programs in the Great Lakes region.
[ Big Water Talk ] NAIHC-Sponsored National Housing Needs Assessment and Effective Community Engagement Webinar
Last month, in partnership with Katie Symons and Suenary Philavanh of Beaux Simone Consulting, Kevin Klingbeil of Big Water Consulting conducted a webinar on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Native American Programs and the Native American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) on Housing Needs Assessment and Effective Community Engagement. The audience included staff members from a variety of different tribes, regions, and programs interested in learning best practices and strategies for engaging community members as well as the primary components of conducting housing and community needs assessments.
[ Big Water Talk ] 2021 NAIHC Legal Symposium Presentations
Big Water Consulting had the honor of giving three presentations during the 2021 NAIHC Legal Symposium, held in person in Las Vegas.
[ Big Water Talk ] NAIHC Legal Symposium: Balancing Science, Social Impact and Fear in Meth-Related Housing Policies
Rachel Kramer and Kevin Klingbiel had the opportunity to present findings from recent work regarding research surrounding thirdhand methamphetamine exposure. This project was funded by an NAIHC T&TA grant to the Salish and Kootenai Housing Authority.
[ Big Water Talk ] WA Senate Housing Stability and Affordability Committee Work Session
Big Water Consulting had the opportunity to present initial findings from the Assessment of the Housing Needs of American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians in Washington State to the WA Senate Housing Stability and Affordability Committee work session.
[ Big Water Talk ] Native Homeownership Cohort Needs Assessment Webinar
On behalf of Big Water Consulting, Kevin Klingbeil presented a webinar to the Enterprise Native Homeownership Learning Communities Cohort about what their Designated Housing Entities, Tribal Housing Authorities, and Native Community Development Finance Institutions can do to prepare for a housing needs assessment during the current pandemic, and what they can do with collected housing needs assessment data.
Click here to download a PDF of the slides presented by Big Water Consulting.
[ Big Water Talk ] [ Report ] 2020 Census Training and Technical Assistance
Big Water Consulting partnered with United Way, Pyramid Communications, King County, and the Urban League to form a coalition designed to work with local community based organizations to better target community outreach and increase 2020 Census self-response rates in King County and Washington State. The work is funded by a grant from the Washington State Office of Financial Management. In addition to providing training to United Way Census Navigators who will provide information and assistance concerning the 2020 Census at 33 tax preparation locations in historically undercounted areas in King County, Big Water is creating an online map including predicted self-response data as well as live self-response data that will help partners target efforts in communities that may be at risk of having low self-response rates.
[ Big Water Talk ] NAIHC Legal Symposium Presentation with Sustainable Native Communities/MASS Design
Big Water staff members Harry Maher and Kevin Klingbeil presented alongside Nathaniel Corum of Sustainable Native Communities/MASS Design at the NAIHC Legal Symposium in Las Vegas to describe their new collaborative effort to fully integrate data collection, community design and planning processes in order to ensure that tribal data collection and needs assessment activities are informed by planning and design principles and that the data produced from these efforts can fully inform subsequent design and planning processes.
[ Big Water Talk ] NAIHC and AMERIND Annual Convention and Tradeshow
Kevin Klingbeil presented to attendees of the National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) and Amerind Annual Convention and Trade Show on May 8 and discussed how tribal data collection and data-driven planning activities can be used to demonstrate both community need and tribal capacity to funding sources within the context of competitive grants.
[ Conference ] National American Indian Housing Council Legal Symposium
Kevin Klingbeil joined tribal housing staff from throughout the country and representatives of numerous federal agencies in the discussion of emerging tribal homeownership programs, proposed federal rules, NAIHC's legislative priorities, and ground-breaking community development projects in tribal communities.
[ Big Water Talk ] United Native American Housing Association Meth Summit
Kevin Klingbeil presented the results of a Meth Testing and Remediation Survey to staff of tribal housing entities in the Northern Plains and representatives of the HUD Office of Native American Programs. The survey was designed and implemented by Big Water and completed by 23 of the 32 UNAHA members. Data collected in the survey served as a catalyst for discussion of the various challenges faced by tribal housing entities in their efforts to identify and appropriately respond to to the use of methamphetamine in their units.
[ Conference ] Southwest Tribal Housing Alliance Tri-Annual Meeting
As an associate member of SWTHA, Big Water joined member organizations and representatives of other organizations serving Native communities at Isleta Resort & Casino to observe the election of new SWTHA officers and discuss current housing funding issues, pending legislation, and regional initiatives to support tribal housing development and management in the Southwest.
[ Conference ] Northwest Indian Housing Association Winter Meeting
As an associate member of NWIHA, Big Water joined member organizations and representatives of other organizations serving Native communities at the Swinomish Casino and Lodge to discuss regional housing initiatives and pending legislation and receive updates from the staff of relevant state and federal agencies.
[ Conference ] Housing Assistance Council Rural Housing Conference
Kevin Klingbeil engaged with the nation's premier affordable housing providers and funding sources on subjects ranging from the promotion of tribal homeownership to the recent designation of Opportunity Zones to promote investment in low-income communities, including many tribal areas.
[ Conference ] Assembly of First Nations National Housing and Infrastructure Forum and Trade Show
Big Water crossed the border to meet with housing staff and distinguished regional chiefs of the Assembly of First Nations to learn more about the unique issues, programs, challenges and opportunities addressed by First Nations leaders and housing providers as well as emerging legislative advancements, financing mechanisms and training and technical assistance programs providing new avenues for community and economic development for Native communities in Canada.
[ Conference ] Housing Washington Conference 2018
Big Water staff attended the largest gathering of affordable housing organizations in Washington State, participated in a tour of historic buildings redeveloped into affordable urban housing facilities and learned about the widening gap between the demand for additional affordable housing supply and the development of new affordable rental units, legislation allowing for more efficient use of surplus government land, and other creative mechanisms to promote affordable housing development.
[ Big Water Talk ] Western Planners
Kevin Klingbeil delivered the lunchtime keynote speech "Bridging the Gap between Native and Non-Native Communities" on the first full day of the conference, served as a member of a panel entitled "Federal Indian Law: Power to Plan, How They Differ from Local and State Governments," and described a layered data-driven planning perspective in a presentation entitled "Switching Brushes: Integrating Varied Data Sources to Paint a Richer Tribal Planning Picture."