[ Big Water Talk ] [ Report ] 2020 Census Training and Technical Assistance
2020 Census Training and Technical Assistance
December 14, 2020
Washington State
Big Water Consulting partnered with United Way, Pyramid Communications, King County, and the Urban League to form a coalition designed to work with local community based organizations to better target community outreach and increase 2020 Census self-response rates in King County and Washington State. The work is funded by a grant from the Washington State Office of Financial Management. In addition to providing training to United Way Census Navigators who will provide information and assistance concerning the 2020 Census at 33 tax preparation locations in historically undercounted areas in King County, Big Water is creating an online map including predicted self-response data as well as live self-response data that will help partners target efforts in communities that may be at risk of having low self-response rates.
Together, the coalition has developed the “We’re Here. We Count,” campaign that includes a toolkit for people and organizations as well as flyers, posters, stickers, brochures, web banners and more, which are available at: https://wecountkingcounty.org/resources/