Highlights from recent projects help tell the story of how and where we work.
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Cow Creek Housing Needs Assessment
The Cow Creek Housing Needs Assessment seeks to answer this key question: what are the housing needs of Cow Creek members both inside and outside of the Tribe’s seven-county service area?
The project involved not only a household survey distributed to all Cow Creek member households (within and without the Tribe’s service area), but also an employer survey that sought input from major Roseburg employers to learn more about housing shortage in the broader community, and interviews with knowledgeable parties from Tribal and municipal leadership.
Dry Creek Community Needs and GIS Mapping
The Dry Creek Community Needs Assessment and GIS Mapping Project has been set in motion to assist the Dry Creek Band of Pomo Indians in collecting relevant, accurate, and comprehensive data about the characteristics, demographic trends, and other needs of both the community and physical environment of the Band.