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White Earth Housing Needs Assessment
Housing Needs Kevin Klingbeil Housing Needs Kevin Klingbeil

White Earth Housing Needs Assessment

The White Earth Housing Needs Assessment is being conducted to support the White Earth Nation in its efforts to implement a Housing Needs Study. For this project, the White Earth Housing Authority will conduct a survey of residents throughout the study area as well as focus groups, interviews and community meetings to help determine the availability of and need for housing on the White Earth Reservation.

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Flathead Indian Reservation Housing Needs Assessment
Housing Needs Kevin Klingbeil Housing Needs Kevin Klingbeil

Flathead Indian Reservation Housing Needs Assessment

The Salish & Kootenai Housing Authority is working with Big Water Consulting to convene a regional coalition of governments and non-profit organizations to address the housing crisis facing the Flathead Indian Reservation. The Housing Needs Assessment will collect actionable data that communities can use to plan for future housing and community development projects.

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