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Nisqually Indian Tribal Needs Assessment
The Nisqually Indian Tribe is working with Big Water Consulting to conduct a Tribal Needs Assessment of households living on the reservation. The Nisqually Tribal Needs Assessment Survey aims to provide a better understanding of how Nisqually tribal members prioritize treaty rights issues and develop a better understanding of the Tribe's current circumstances. The survey will determine current housing conditions, which tribal services are known to the community, which programs are used by households, and how connected they are to community services and activities such as fishing, hunting, and gathering. The Needs Assessment will also provide an opportunity to better understand how the Nisqually tribe can communicate with the community and how tribal members feel about long-term vs. short-term investment in tribal resources.
Big Valley Rancheria Community Needs Assessment
Lake County, California
Big Valley Rancheria is home to the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians, descendents of the Xa-Ben-Na-Po Band of Pomo Indians that have inhabited the Clear Lake area of present-day California for thousands of years. The Big Vallery Rancheria Community Needs Assessment seeks to gather data on the housing and other programming needs of Big Valley residents and Tribal members. The needs assessment will also inform renovations to rental housing being conducted by Sustainable Native Communities Design Lab at MASS Design, a Native-owned architecture firm.
African Health Advocacy Project
Mission Africa’s African Health Advocacy Project (AHAP) aims to increase prevention and detection of COVID-19 by addressing misinformation and promoting services among K-12 children and caregivers of African communities in the Puget Sound region.
Sicangu Wicoti Awayankapi (SWA) Homeowner Assistance Fund
Rosebud, South Dakota
SWA Corporation received an allocation of nearly $5 million through the US Department of Treasury’s Homeowner Assistance Fund Program. This pandemic-relief program supports homeowners in avoiding foreclosure and improving housing stability following the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fond du Lac Housing & Community Needs Assessment
The Fond du Lac Housing and Community Needs Assessment is being directed by the Fond du Lac Planning Division to collect actionable data that the Band can use to plan for future housing and community development projects.
Ending Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE) Surveys
UNAHA received the Ending Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE) grant from the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) to assist member Tribes and TDHEs in designing and implementing Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) programs.
Dry Creek Housing and Homelessness Needs Survey
The Dry Creek Housing and Homelessness Needs Survey will identify the range of housing needs and support services for the members of the Dry Creek Rancheria.
White Earth Housing Needs Assessment
The White Earth Housing Needs Assessment is being conducted to support the White Earth Nation in its efforts to implement a Housing Needs Study. For this project, the White Earth Housing Authority will conduct a survey of residents throughout the study area as well as focus groups, interviews and community meetings to help determine the availability of and need for housing on the White Earth Reservation.
Flathead Indian Reservation Housing Needs Assessment
The Salish & Kootenai Housing Authority is working with Big Water Consulting to convene a regional coalition of governments and non-profit organizations to address the housing crisis facing the Flathead Indian Reservation. The Housing Needs Assessment will collect actionable data that communities can use to plan for future housing and community development projects.
Muckleshoot Community Needs Assessment
Auburn, Washington
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe is composed of descendants of the Duwamish and Upper Puyallup peoples of Central Puget Sound. The Muckleshoot Community Needs Assessment seeks to gather data on the housing and other programming needs of Muckleshoot Reservation residents and Tribal members. The needs assessment will also inform a permanent supportive housing development in partnership with BeauxSimone Consulting and RTHawk Housing Alliance.